Monday, December 5, 2011

Steve Buscemi...Certified Baller

I've been on hiatus for a bit, and for that i apologize to the 4 or 5 faithful readers of mine. It's been tough lately to find inspiration since all we hear about these days are crooked politicians, NCAA sex scandals, and annoying hipsters occupying every city in America because they got tired of listening to the latest live Phish/DMB CDs. If you want my thoughts on the whole OCCUPY bullshit, just click here

As i sit in my throne pondering my next topic, my roommate flicks on Boardwalk Empire. I dont watch it cuz I'm too busy watching your friendly neighborhood serial killer and HOMELAND on Sunday nights, but i plan on it eventually. Anyways, Steve Buscemi popped on the screen of course, and it got me thinking...this guy is the man! I started thinking about my favorite roles of his, which i'm going to share with you. I havent seen all his movies, so this is my personal list. So without further ado, the best of Steve Buscemi:

5) The Big Lebowski - Donny

Yeah, he barely says a word the whole movie, but he's great because of John Goodman and the Dude. "I am the Walrus...I am the Walrus." "Shut the f*ck up Donny!!! Vladmir Lenin!!!" Enough said.

4) The Wedding Singer - Drunk Dude at the Wedding

Another perfect role for him. Who hasnt wanted to grab the guitar from the wedding band and start strumming nonsense during the toast. "Remember that time in Mexico when we went out with those...well i guess they were prostitutes but i dont remember paying." GOLD!

3) Armageddon - Rockhound

I dont care what anyone says or how i cant stand Ben Affleck, but every time this movie is on I watch it till the end, mainly because of Rockhound. "You wanna get in my head, go for it. I have a PhD from MIT. Why do i do what i do? Cuz the money's good and they let me use explosives!" High point has to be when they're on the asteroid and Rockhound just starts firing the massive machine gun at the surface. If i was gonna go out, why not get to use a $50 million dollar gun before i do. And i dont know about you, but if the world asked me to rocket up to a massive rock going a bagillion miles an hour towards Earth, there's no way in hell I'm paying taxes ever again either!

2) Resevoir Dogs - Mr. Pink

Tarantino's first big score, this movie isn't for everybody, but its for everybody who has taste in movies. It's vintage Buscemi, a squirrelly scumbag who has an opinion on everything and isnt afraid to share it. There's nothing better than hearing Mr Pink explain his take on tipping and how he refuses to do it. "You see this, this is the world's smallest violin playing especially for the waitresses." SPOILER ALERT: Its also too fitting that he hides like a little bitch during the final firefight and grabs the money and bolts. Classic!!!

1) Con Air - Garland Greene

When i was a young buck, Father Brogan and i would partake in what we called "Guy's Weekend." At my current age of 25, this term would entail heading to Seacrets, partying from 10AM - 3AM, and hoping to wake up with your phone and sheets dry. However at the tender age of 10, this meant mom was down the shore and dad would let me rent R-Rated action movies that we would watch together. We took in classics like The Rock, Face-Off, and Under Siege (luckily for me dad fell asleep 20 minutes in, thus enabling me to catch Erika Eleniak pop out of the cake) Con Air is another example of something I will watch no matter what part i catch it on TV. It's usually on Encore every other month. The plot is ridiculous, it's probably Nick Cage's worst acting job, but throw in Buscemi, John Malkovich and Ving Rhames and its hard to miss the point. Anyways, this is by far my favorite role of Buscemi's. He's a wacko serial killer, but somehow i have no problem with him being the only one who gets away at the end. "Define irony, bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song that was made famous by a band that died in a plane crash." To this day, i refuse to listen to Sweet Home Alabama on a jet.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome list. One point of contention. Hipsters do not listen to Phish. Maybe DMB, I don't really know or care, but Phish has it's own phans and we don't like to be lumped in with hipsters! Catch a show once, whydon'cha!?! haha
